Brian C. Anderson is senior editor of City Journal and the author of Raymond Aron: The Recovery of the Political. His writings have appeared in First Things, The Wilson Quarterly, and The Public Interest.
William Andrews has worked at the New York City Transit Police, the NYPD, and First Security Consulting, which advises police departments in the U.S. and abroad. He is currently helping to introduce New York City-style policing to Brazil.
William J. Bratton has managed five police agencies in Boston and New York, serving as police commissioner in both cities. He has written an autobiography of his crime-control successes, Turnaround, and is now president and chief operating officer of CARCO Group, Inc.
Theodore Dalrymple is a physician who regularly sees patients in an English prison. He is a contributing editor of City Journal, a columnist for the London Spectator, and a frequent contributor to the Daily Telegraph.
Howard Husock, director of case studies at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, becomes a City Journal contributing editor with this issue. He is the author of Repairing the Ladder: Towards a New Housing Policy Paradigm, and has written for the Wall Street Journal and The Public Interest. As a television journalist, he produced and directed America’s First School: 350 Years at Boston Latin.
Heather Mac Donald is a contributing editor of City Journal and John M. Olin Fellow at the Manhattan Institute. Her articles have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, The New Republic, and the New York Times.
Richard E. Morgan is William Nelson Cromwell Professor of Constitutional Law and Government at Bowdoin College. He is at work on a book about the Supreme Court in the 1980s, Constitutional Conservatism: The Counterrevolution That Couldn’t.
Paul E. O’Connell is an assistant professor and chair of the department of criminal justice at Iona College.
Henry Hope Reed is the author of The Golden City and editor of the new edition of Geoffrey Scott’s The Architecture of Humanism.
Roger Scruton is a writer and philosopher living in England. He is a contributing editor of City Journal and editor of The Salisbury Review. His books include An Intelligent Person’s Guide to Modern Culture, Modern Philosophy: An Introduction & Survey, and Kant.
Frank Straub is an adjunct assistant professor in the department of public management at John Jay College of Criminal Justice.
Norah Vincent is a freelance journalist living in New York City. She is co-author of The Instant Intellect.