Judith Miller
Judith Miller is an adjunct fellow at the Manhattan Institute, a City Journal contributing editor, a best-selling author, and a Pulitzer Prize–winning investigative reporter formerly with The New York Times. In 2002, Miller was part of a small team that won a Pulitzer Prize for explanatory journalism for her January 2001 series on Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda. That same year, she won an Emmy for her work on a Nova/New York Times documentary based on articles for her book Germs. Miller was part of the Times team that won the DuPont Award for a series of programs on terrorism for PBS’s Frontline. Before leaving the Times in 2005, she spent 85 days in jail to defend a reporter’s right to protect confidential sources. That year, Miller received the Society of Professional Journalists First Amendment Award for her defense of an independent press.
Since 2008, Miller has been a commentator for Fox News, speaking on terrorism and other national security issues, the Middle East, U.S. foreign policy, and the need for a delicate balance between protecting national security and civil liberties in a post-9/11 world. She is the author of One, by One, by One (1990), a highly praised account of how people in six nations have distorted the memory of the Holocaust; Saddam Hussein and the Crisis in the Gulf (1990), a New York Times bestseller during the 1991 Gulf War; God Has Ninety-Nine Names (1996), which explores the spread of Islamic extremism in ten Middle Eastern countries; and her memoir, The Story: A Reporter’s Journey (2015). Miller is coauthor of Germs: Biological Weapons and America’s Secret War (2001), which topped the bestseller list in the wake of 9/11 and the anthrax-letter terrorist attacks.
Miller holds a B.A. from Barnard College and a master’s from Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs.