Sweden, the U.K., and Canada all experimented with providing opioids to addicts. The results were disastrous.
They often fail to account for participants’ sexual orientation.
Universities have gone from arguing that science is biased to claiming that even the overhead on their massive federal research budgets must not be cut.
President Trump has promised not to cut benefits, but Congress can still generate substantial savings by curbing runaway growth.
Senators who once denounced the NIH nominee’s ideas had nothing to say about pandemic lockdowns, mandates, or lessons learned.
The early results of the United States Medical Licensing Exam’s new grading process are worrisome.
The closure of the Pappas Rehabilitation Hospital for Children would mean the loss of a vital community.
The fellow-to-faculty pipeline model pushes conformity.
Today’s surgical residency graduates are increasingly unprepared for professional practice.
It has capitulated to transgender activists.
By withholding key waivers, the administration could discourage bad behavior.
A leading medical journal has capitulated to transgender activists.