Protecting New York

Born in the ashes of 9/11, the NYPD’s counterterrorism program remains the envy of the world.

Judith Miller

September 10, 2021

Twenty Years After 9/11

Steven Malanga joins Brian Anderson to discuss the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, the sense of patriotism that emerged in their aftermath, and the nation’s waning interest in Islamist terrorism.

September 10, 2021

Dismal Sequels

Twenty years after 9/11, Afghanistan has reverted to the Taliban and America has disappeared down a rabbit hole.

Lance Morrow

September 9, 2021

A 9/11 Law Enforcement Lesson

Communication and flexibility remain paramount.

Hannah E. Meyers

September 9, 2021

From Empty to Empty

After 9/11, New York didn’t rebuild wisely—and that failure hurts the city in the current crisis.

Nicole Gelinas

September 8, 2021

When Flags Waved

The stirring response by New Yorkers and Americans everywhere to the 9/11 terrorist attacks is a reminder of what the country used to be—and can be again.

Steven Malanga

September 7, 2021

Conspiracies All the Way Down

The 9/11 Truther movement was a harbinger of today’s paranoid politics.

James B. Meigs

September 5, 2021

Looking Back—and Forward

The 9/11 attacks inaugurated an era of disasters, but New York has come through them all before and can do so again.

Brian C. Anderson

September 2, 2021

Target: New York

Eighteen years after the 9/11 attacks, Islamist extremism doesn’t make much news—but it’s not for lack of trying.

Judith Miller

September 10, 2019

Target of Opportunity

Roaring back from the devastation of 9/11, Lower Manhattan remade itself into a vibrant, successful neighborhood—one reason why a terrorist wanted to attack it.

Steven Malanga

November 7, 2017

Who Lost Ground Zero?

A new history of the World Trade Center rebuilding finds much blame to go around.

Stephen Eide

October 14, 2016

Another Anniversary

Fifteen years after 9/11, timeless truths endure.

Matthew Hennessey

September 9, 2016

New York 9/11/11

Ten years after the terror attacks, the city is safer, thanks to the NYPD—but the threat remains.

Judith Miller

Summer 2011

The Last Full Measure

Gotham may not know how to honor the 9/11 dead, but the suburbs do.

Steven Malanga

Summer 2006

Downtown Rising

Despite Pataki and Bloomberg, the private sector is fixing lower Manhattan.

Nicole Gelinas

Spring 2006

What Makes a Terrorist?

It takes a village—even a whole culture.

James Q. Wilson

Winter 2004

The Monument They Deserve

Our memorial to the victims of the World Trade Center attack should be an affirmation of our values, not just a cry of grief.

Myron Magnet

Spring 2002

The Civic Education America Needs

September 11 reminded us that this country is exceptional. How do we teach that to our kids?

Victor Davis Hanson

Summer 2002

The Twin Towers Project: A Cautionary Tale

The building of the World Trade Center showed what happens when pols and bureaucrats, rather than the market, control redevelopment.

Brian C. Anderson

Autumn 2001

What We Have to Lose

Our civilization is more precious, and more fragile, than most people suppose.

Theodore Dalrymple

Autumn 2001

What Made Them Do Their Duty?

At the Twin Towers, cops and firemen showed they really were New York’s Finest, New York’s Bravest.

Victor Davis Hanson

Autumn 2001

Photo by Jose Jimenez/Primera Hora/Getty Images


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