Reflecting on Bobby Kennedy, 50 years after his assassination

As Ted Koppel has recognized, today’s media embrace the darkness of their own biases.

Seventy-five years after the Normandy landings, reflections on America’s troubled subsequent history

Twenty years after 9/11, Afghanistan has reverted to the Taliban and America has disappeared down a rabbit hole.

From City Journal’s Symposium Series
Proposals to improve care for the seriously mentally ill

A symposium on higher education in the United States

A symposium on anti-Semitism in the United States

Proposals to reinvigorate American dynamism, innovation, and self-sufficiency

Proposals for reversing America’s criminal-justice decline

A symposium on restoring the principle of color blindness

City Journal’s 10 Blocks podcast features rich conversations on public policy and culture with host Brian C. Anderson.
In the Risk Talking podcast, host Allison Schrager—economist, journalist, and author—discusses cutting-edge economics in plain language.
The Spotlight
An unusual charter school network, serving middle-class families, promotes a classical curriculum—and gets results.

The great American comic satirized white racism, his fellow blacks, and himself.

The destructive influence of Wilhelm Reich, father of the sexual revolution

Today’s young people are encouraged to believe that they are traumatized by their personal experiences and the injustices of history.

Christopher Lasch’s cultural criticism anticipated our narcissistic age.

Without the religious roots of Christmas, Thanksgiving serves as an occasion to celebrate country and family.

John F. Kennedy was murdered by a Communist in an age of superpower tensions—but 60 years later, a counterfactual mythology continues to mislead Americans.

Sabin Howard’s A Soldier’s Journey brings a cinematic approach to the Great War—and defies the arrogance of Washington’s cultural elites.